Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Agent Skully

 For today's outfit, I finally wore the skull blouse that I bought a few weeks ago. I had put it on layaway like 2 months ago because in addition to being lazy, I am also a broke-ass bitch, ha! I've seen this same patterned top on nastygal.com going for $48, but lucky for me I found it at Burlington's for only $16. Yay for me. . . and my wallet.
skull blouse- Burlington's, skinny jeans: H&M
My new favorite accessory that I bought recently has to be the rhinestone "gold" cross necklace that I found in downtown. Once again, another bargain, only $1 and I have seen similar necklaces for $18 and up online! Being a broke-ass has its advantages. I think twice before splurging and I end up finding the same exact item cheaper somewhere else.

sideways cross necklace- $1 steal

 So that was today's outfit. Oh yeah, I'm on the lookout for a new pair of  flat, knee-high boots, so let me know if you guy's see any cute, yet reasonably priced ones. 


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