Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines Sweetie

Happy day after Valentines day! Hope you all got to spend the day with your loved ones and lots of candy... or in my case, beer and wings :) All in all I had a perfect day with my handsome hubby. My outfit was chosen to today to express the lovely feeling in the air, of course. A tee shirt reading "Love never fails". A bright red hat to match bright red heart decorations. Sexy leather-like leggings that beg to be touched, and of course, my favorite heels! I felt beautiful, sexy, and of course, like the luckiest girl in the world since I was with my mister. I'd have to say it was a perfect day.
tee- Foreign Exchange, leather-leggings- DTLA, shoes- "Lorraina"
my lovely red hat- H&M

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